This is a quick tutorial series for you serverless folk! We create a AWS lambda function with a api gatway trigger. By default aws gives you these kinda ugly api urls: https://<api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>
. Can we make it better? Of course with custom domains!
To show the complete process, we start with a new lambda function. We are doing it the old-school way without cloudformation templates or other automation to keep it simple:
- In the AWS console search for lambda and create a new nodejs function called hello-world with all default options. Paste this handler code in the index.js file, it should later return the text Api Gateway with Custom Domain!:
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: 'Api Gateway with Custom Domain!',
- After you saved your lambda function. Add a new api gateway trigger (click “Add Trigger” in the function view):
Now you should be able to call your method with the default api endpoint url. But lets not stop here!
> curl https://<api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>
Api Gateway with Custom Domain!
Since api gateways only work with ssl, we need to configure a certificate. Luckily aws makes this really easy for us and also issues new certificates for free! So if you dont own a certificate for your domain yet, head to the Certificate Manager in the aws console to create a new one. If you want to use the url
you should insert this value in the wizard or use a asterisk:*.<your_domain>.<tld>
. In the next step you should select a validation method and follow the instructions.After validation, you should see your activated certificate:
In the aws console now go to API Gateway and select in the left menu Custom domain names. Create a new custom domain and type in your domain. You should also select your ACM certificate from the last step. The console should greet you now with your domain details:
Almost done: In the domain details add your API mappings. Here you can just select our hello world api.
Finally you should create a CNAME entry in the DNS settings of your registrar to the API Gateway domain name (in my example
). When the changes are propagated we are done and you can query your function with your custom domain!
> curl https://<your_domain>.<tld>/hello-world
Api Gateway with Custom Domain!